Helping Your Anxious Child: Tips in Recognizing and Managing Anxiety Throughout Childhood
In this talk, we will discuss how anxiety might present in your child’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors at various developmental stages of your child’s life, from preschool through emerging adulthood. We will focus on what parents can do to manage anxiety by …
Sunny Side Up: Encouraging a Positive Outlook in Your Children
All parents want to raise children with positivity, optimism and gratitude. Join this workshop and learn to identify negativity pitfalls and explore practical techniques for overcoming them. This workshop will also incorporate strategies, games, and activities that can be implemented to foster …

Brave Steps: Navigating School Refusal
The transition to the start of school is more difficult for some than others. This webinar will consider children who are very anxious about attending school or separating from home and parents for a variety of reasons. Such students may actually refuse …

Battling Bullying Revisited
On the 10 year anniversary of her original webinar, Dr. Novick, a premier expert on bullying, will revisit the topic, its unique characteristics, and impact in the Jewish community. The focus of the webinar will be on what parents and educators can …

Compassionate Behavioral Parenting Skills
This webinar will teach you practical skills you can use every day to address challenging child behaviors. It will help you to understand better why your child is behaving the way they are, and know what you can do to help. We …

Your Organized Child: Cultivating Organization, Time Management & Planning Skills
For many children and parents, staying on top of homework and long-term projects is a never-ending battle. Difficulties with tracking assignments, managing materials, time management and planning are often a major source of conflict at home and lead to missed assignments and …

A+ Beginnings for Back to School Bliss
The transition of going back to school brings change and uncertainty. Model confidence for your children as you create structure and set goals to create a positive tone for a great start to the new school year. In this webinar we will …

Creating a Sensory Space for Your Child with Special Needs
In this presentation for parents, in collaboration with Sinai Schools, you will hear from an OT and Psychologist who works with children with sensory challenges as well as an interior decorator who helps parents design sensory-friendly spaces in the home. Deepen your …

Touchpoints in Jewish Life: How Jewish Milestones Match Up With Child Development
In recent years, bestselling authors have published book after book in the pursuit of supporting parents. As a Jewish community, we have the opportunity to tap into the ancient wisdom that Judaism offers into the process of growing up in very real …

Saying No to Ourselves and Our Children: Building Delayed Gratification
“You have to wait!” is a phrase that has become harder and harder to implement in a world replete with immediate gratification. In this workshop we’ll explore the underlying mechanisms of delayed gratification and discuss concrete ways in which we can build …

Best Practices for Co-Teaching and Teaching with an Assistant
One of the best ways to raise student achievement is through high quality co-teaching with a co-teacher or assistant. Gain practical guidance on applying effective models to your classroom so that you can incorporate station-based learning, observation time and small group instruction. …

Promoting Spirituality in Children
What is spirituality and how does it help children and teens grow into strong, resilient adults? This webinar will explore spirituality through the childhood and adolescent years and provide strategies for building it in our students and children.

Collaborative Problem Solving: An Introduction for Parents
Collaborative Problem Solving® (CPS) is a big shift when it comes to understanding your child’s challenging behavior and what to do about it. It is proven to reduce challenging behavior, improve family relationships, and help your child build the skills they lack. …

For Parents: My Child’s Worries About the Coronavirus–Typical or Excessive?
As we all deal with uncertainty and ongoing reminders of how covid-19 has impacted our lives, how can we determine whether children’s worries are excessive? How can we support children’s healthy development and safety in our new reality? Adult and child strategies …

Combatting Homework Hassles
Many children have times when they struggle with homework. Understanding the challenges your child is facing can help you defuse homework battles before they start. From homework contracts to breaking down assignments, you will learn tips, strategies and resources to help you …

“Work it out!??”: Supporting Conflict Resolution Among Students
This presentation will introduce you to the core social skills, communication tools, and conflict resolution techniques necessary to help students solve problems independently of teacher intervention. You will learn how to create socially safe classrooms with unified rules and expectations, integrate problem …

How to Have Difficult Discussions with Children
We all know that uncomfortable feeling – we have to have one of those uncomfortable conversations with our children or our students. Whether it is discussing substance use, challenging behaviors, dealing with peer pressure, family issues, loss and trauma, or substance abuse, …

Cultivating and Supporting Self-Esteem in Children with Learning Challenges
Positive self-esteem can make a big difference for children with learning disabilities and attention challenges. When children value themselves, they’re more likely to self-advocate and ask for the help they believe they deserve. When they’re confident and secure about who they are, …

ABCs of Advocacy: How to be your child’s best advocate
If you have discovered that your child has difficulties with learning or paying attention, or you are beginning to suspect that he or she does, you might be wondering what you can do to make sure that your child is getting the …

Back to School: A Proactive Approach to Managing Separation Anxiety in our Students and Children
In this webinar, we will explore the who, what, where, when, why, and how of separation anxiety. Educators and parents alike will learn a proactive, strategy-based approach to utilize for a host of separation situations and consider the vast opportunities for life-skill …

Parenting in the Balance: When to Intervene and When Not To
Are you exhausted from managing every assignment? From solving every conflict? From never having time to yourself? We all want our children to be happy, successful, and well-supported, but it’s hard to know how much to be involved in our children’s lives …

Making Tefilla More Meaningful for Children
Help your students and children find their own meaning in tefilla and establish stronger connections to their davening. During this webinar you will gain a better understanding of the development of prayer in children and adolescents and be provided with some practical …

Digital Parenting Tips in the Age of Social Media
This webinar will provide you with crucial information regarding the technology that our children are accessing. While a healthy exposure to technology is beneficial, we also want to recognize the risks and possible pitfalls that are present. In addition, this presentation will …

Managing Meltdowns and Taming Tantrums: Practical Strategies for Everyday Challenges
Many people think the words “tantrum” and “meltdown” mean the same thing, and they can look very similar when you see a child having one. But for children with sensory processing or self-regulation challenges, a meltdown is very different from a tantrum. …

Giving Thanks – Cultivating Gratitude in Children and Teens
Today’s culture of entitlement and privilege erodes our natural inclinations towards gratitude. This webinar will provide information on many benefits of gratitude, and offer direct strategies to inculcate the attitude of gratitude in families and schools. The developmental challenges across childhood, pre-teen, …

A Force of Nature: Supporting Strategies for Impulse Control
Does your child struggle with impulse control? Join this webinar to learn about strategies for supporting your child in maintaining self-control. Gain an understanding of the Stages of Development and learn practical strategies such as self talk, the “5 Step Plan”, and …

More Home, Less Work
This webinar designed to give parents tips, tools and strategies to transform the homework experience. Using organizational ideas, life skill lessons, empathy, understanding, and creativity – parents will be able to help both themselves and their children successfully and more calmly get …

All Over the Place to Keeping the Pace: Understanding Executive Function at Home and in School
If he is so bright, why does he struggle with keeping his materials organized? How can it be that she knows all the answers when I call on her but doesn’t pass a test? Why does he keep bothering his peers and …

Are You Thinking What I Think You’re Thinking? Nurturing Social Thinking In Children
For children who struggle with social learning, day to day life in school can be an enormous challenge. In this webinar, noted author and lecturer, Michelle Garcia Winner, shares some practical ideas for educators and parents to help children with social cognition …

Sensory Processing Strategies at Home
Do you suspect that your child’s over-reaction to sights, sounds, touch, or crowds is over the top? Does it seem like your child doesn’t tune in to what is going on around him/her? Does your child violate personal space, resist change and …

Helping Boost your Child’s Self Esteem
This workshop will explore the various aspects of self-esteem with practical and research based strategies for building genuine self-worth. Redefining a child’s image, training them in an “optimistic explanatory style”, and priming them for success are some techniques that will be covered. …

What, Me Worry? Understanding and Managing Anxiety in Our Children
This webinar will explore anxiety and the forms it takes in children and teens. Causes and situationally specific anxiety, such as test anxiety and speaking anxiety will be discussed. Strategies for parents and teachers to help those children and teens who struggle …

Supporting the Joy of Reading at Home
An important goal of education is to help children become readers. Summer is a perfect time to help children experiences the pleasures and benefits of reading. This webinar explores what parents can do at home to support and cultivate the joy of …

Sibling Sniping, Bedtime Battles, Homework Hassles…Are We Having Fun Yet?
Do you try to avoid threats, bribes, and punishments, but find yourself using them anyway, just to survive the day? Join us for a webinar with parenting expert Joanna Faber and learn how to help your child cope with difficult feelings, engage your child’s …

Children and Screen Time: A Practical Guide to Media Use with Young Children
Part 1 of 3 – for young children In today’s technology-enhanced world, there are many options available for our children: children’s shows, apps, movies on Netflix and more. Participants in this webinar will learn about the effects (both positive and harmful) of …

Making Bar and Bat Mitzvah Preparation More Joyful!
For twelve and thirteen year olds with learning differences and disabilities, the preparation for bar and bat mitzvah can be more stressful than joyous. For some, a learning process focused on Hebrew decoding, memorizing and speech writing can be an obstacle. …

What’s Behind Children’s Challenging Behavior and What Can We Do to Help?
This webinar provides a practical overview to the Collaborative Problem Solving approach to working with children who lack the skill to behave well. All children, parents and teachers want to do well. But even with the best intentions, unpleasant confrontations may arise …

Promoting Social Skills and Social Growth
This webinar will consider how most children develop their social skills, and how to help those children that struggle to do so. The role of parents and educators in supporting such skill development, and the use of formal educational and informal opportunities …

Passive v Active Screen Time (for elementary aged students)
Part 2 of 3 – for elementary school age Not all screen time is created equally. Some screen time for young children can be harmful and other uses of technology can help young learners expand their critical and creative skills. Participants in …

Sustaining Motivation – A Delicate Balance
Ever wonder about how to encourage and support your child’s motivation? Is there a possibility that your child will do her chores without nagging or his homework without needling? In this webinar we will explore the differences between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. …

“Nobody Wants to Be My Friend!”
Children spend most of their waking day in school among classmates. For many students, making and keeping friends is a struggle that may seem even more daunting than the most challenging learning difficulty. This webinar will help parents understand some of the basic …

Why is my child able to remember the names of all the students in his class and all the teachers in his school, but he can’t recall the multiplication facts? Or, why does my daughter remember all her cousins’ and aunts’ and …

Understanding Your Child’s Psychoeducational Assessment Report
You’ve had a comprehensive evaluation of your child’s functioning….now what?! In this webinar, we will review the different areas of a typical psychoeducational assessment report. The goal is to help parents understand the different areas assessed, including cognitive, academic, language, executive processes, …

Your Attention, Please!
Do you ever wonder about your child’s attention? Do you often hear yourself requesting (or begging) your child to “Pay attention,” “Stop day-dreaming,” or even “Stop moving around!”? Have you ever wondered (or been told by your child’s teacher) that attention issues …

Social Skills
As parents we are quick to intervene when our children need help with academic skills. Yet, when they struggle socially, we are often at a loss about how to help and sometimes even end up getting angry at the child. This webinar …

Study Skills
As partners in your child’s education, understanding the art and science of study skills will help you support your child’s learning process. This webinar offers an in-depth look at the skills students need to function in school and in the real world, …

Help Your Child Get Organized!
You would like your child to be more organized, get homework done before midnight, and remember to take his/her books to school each day. For some children, organization comes naturally, but for the others, organization skills need to be directly taught and …

Is My Child Typical? Understanding Variations in Child Development
How often we wonder why some children seem to easily accomplish tasks and achieve milestones while others struggle to keep up. As parents, the dilemma is whether to assume these differences are part of typical development or indicators of more significant challenges. …

Higher Order Thinking
Frequently misunderstood and always a concern of school administrators, Higher Order Cognition (HOC) is a very important pathway of learning. Teachers want to emphasize the importance of higher order thinking in their lesson planning but often they don’t understand the different aspects …

Assessment and Differentiated Instruction
For differentiation to happen, teachers need to gather and utilize information about their students. Information should relate to students’ readiness, interests, and learning profiles. Pre-, formative and summative assessments provide teachers with the data to plan meaningful learning experiences for all students. …

Non Frontal Review Techniques for the Classroom
Do you want to add more games and other fun activities to your classroom repertoire? Research shows that kids learn better when they enjoy what they learn. When students play games with material that they are learning, they take ownership and generalize …